
Volodymyr Yermolenko

Volodymyr Yermolenko

Ukrainian philosopher, essayist and political analyst. Author of numerous articles/interviews in Krytyka, Eurozine, Korydor, Ukrainskyi zhurnal, LitAkcent,,, Krayina, TV5Monde, Die Welt, EU Observer, MediaPart and others. Has PhD in political studies at Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS, Paris), teaches philosophy at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine), foreign policy at education projects run by Internews Ukraine. Director of EU-related projects at Internews Ukraine, lecturer at EU Study Days (EU-funded education programme in Ukraine). Author of a book on Walter Benjamin ("Opovidach i philosoph. Walter Benjamin ta joho chas, Kyiv, Krytyka, 2011). In November 2013-May 2014 widely commented Ukrainian events in European media (Radio France, France Culture, Le Monde, TV5, TV1, Die Welt, DNES, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, etc).

Adela Zábražná

Before joining SAPIE, Adela worked as a consultant for public sector for KPMG Czech Republic and as an analyst in Prague based think tank European Values. She completed her Masters Degree in European integration at the University of Economics in Prague and her MSc. in public policies at KU Leuven. She focuses on innovative and social policy. She is passionate about bringing together private and public to create a universal value for society.

Michael Žantovský

He is the Executive Director of Vaclav Havel Library in Prague and former President of Aspen Institute Central Europe (2012-2015). Previously he was the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Kingdom (2009-2015), to Israel (2003- 2009) and to the United States (1992-1997). In 1989 he was a founding member of the Czech chapter of P.E.N., the international organization of writers and translators that was banned in Czechoslovakia during the Communist era. In November 1989 he was a founding member of the Civic Forum, an umbrella organization that coordinated the overthrow of the Communist regime. In January 1990 he became the Spokesman and Press Secretary for President Václav Havel. In 1996 he was elected to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and served as the chairman of its Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security. Žantovský studied psychology at Charles University in Prague and at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and worked as a research psychologist. Beginning in 1980. He was a contributor to the samizdat press and the Prague correspondent for Reuters. In 2003 he co-founded the new Prague-based think tank Program of Atlantic Security Studies (PASS) and served as its first Executive Director. In 2014 he published to wide acclaim the biography of the former president Havel: A Life in English, Czech and several other languages

Maciej Zaremba

Maciej Zaremba

Born in Poland. Journalist. Emigrated to Sweden in 1969 and became Swedish citizen in 1978. Cultural editor at Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, the largest daily newspaper in Sweden. In 1997 revealed the scandal of forced sterilisation of more than 60.000 people by Swedish government between 1935 and 1976.

Tomas Zia

Tom Zia serves as the Political and Economic Officer for the United States Consulate General in Krakow. Prior to coming to Krakow, he served on the staff of the Secretary of State as a Line Officer in the Executive Secretariat. Tom has also served as a Desk Officer covering the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi, as a Vice-Consul at the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara, Mexico, and as Vice-Consul at Embassy Warsaw. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from the Arizona State University and a juris doctorate from the University of Texas School of Law. Mr. Zia grew up in Oregon and California and worked as an attorney in Arizona and Washington, D.C., prior to joining the Foreign Service.

Andrzej Zoll

Andrzej Zoll

One of the most eminent law experts in Poland. Participated in the Round Table talks in 1989. The former President of Constitutional Tribunal in Poland. Author of many publications considering not only issues of criminal and constitutional law but also philosophy of law. Member of Polish Academy of Abilities and Academy of Sciences and Art in Salzburg. In June 2005 finished his cadence as the Civil Rights Ombudsman in Poland. 

Viera Žúborová

Dr. Viera Žúborová (1984) is political scientist by background. She operated at the Faculty of Social Sciences of University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava since 2008. During these years she operated at the faculty also as the vice-dean from research and strategic project, and leaded the Department of political science and European studies. She also works as managing editor of Slovak Journal of Political science. Since 2016 she operates as senior research fellow at the think- tank Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs (CENAA). She focuses on issues of political communication, and migration discourse, tranzitology and question on post-communism. As a visiting PhD scholar, she operated at the The Université libre de Bruxelles (2010). Viera Žúborová is the co-founder of non-profit organization Trnavska alternativa, and also the co-founder of non- profit organization Mladá Archa, she served there as director from 2015. Both non-profit organization focus on organising the various educational and creative activities supporting critical thinking of the students and youth, including realization of project that are focusing on the development of public space and active participation at the local level. Viera Žúborová is also from 2015 regular columnist at the online newspapers

Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski

Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski

Advisor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland and the coordinator of the Security & Defense Section in the National Development Council at the President of Poland. Graduated at the Department of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź. Holds PhD in Humanities, habilitated in the field of political science at the Institute of Political Studies PAN in Warsaw. Since 1987 a researcher and an academic teacher at the University of Łódź (history and political sciences). In 1992 employed with the Office of the Minister of National Defence for Defence Policy of the Ministry of National Defence of Poland. 1995-1996 employed in the Office of the Undersecretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for European Integration and Foreign Assistance – Council of Ministers. 1996-2001 in the European Institute in Łódź. 2005 – 2006 – Contemporary agent of the EPP-ED an expert in charge of the monitoring of the Eastern policy of the European Union (situation in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine) in the European Parliament in Brussels. 2006-2009 visiting professor of the Belarusian European Humanities University in Vilnius - Lithuania. During 2007-2008 he was contractual commentator at TVP Info in the realm of international issues. Since 2008 visiting lecturer of National School of Public Administration in Warsaw. 2006-20012 - a researcher in the European Centre Natolin Foundation. 2012-2015 publicist of the “Gazeta Polska Codziennie”- the commentator on international relations, history and military security. 2013 - an expert on foreign policy in Piotr Glinski team and a member of the PiS (Law and Justice) Programming Council. Author of 7 books, 93 research articles and many other publications.

Marcin Żyła

Marcin Żyła

Polish journalist and an op-ed columnist, currently working for Tygodnik Powszechny weekly. A dedicated traveler and hitchhiker, he is the author of numerous articles, interviews and reports from countries of former Yugoslavia and South-East Europe. His main area of interest includes issues of multiculturalism, migration and contemporary history.



