
Jacek Wasilewski

Jacek Wasilewski is a professor of sociology, he teaches at Polish and American Universities. His main field of interest is sociology of the elites. His recent publications include books and articles on political elites and consolidation of democracy in Poland and Central Europe.  

Karol Wasilewski

Karol Wasilewski works at 4CF as a foresight consultant. Previously worked with the Polish Institute of International Affairs as head of the department of the Middle East department. His research interests include issues related to discontinuities in markets, new trends in international relations and foreign policy analysis foreign policy.

Among his achievements is the realization of scenarios of Poland's development for the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, as well as participation in projects for corporate sector clients. He has taught introductory classes on foresight at, among others, PISM (study of international politics  International Policy).

Leszek Wieciech

Experienced expert and manager in Public Affairs and Corporate Communication. He specializes in corporate affairs, lobbying, internal and external communication, CSR, fuel sector, road safety and sustainable development promotion and solutions. M.A. (Moscow State University of International Affairs), diploma in Administration (University of Warsaw). Expert in external affairs & communication, experience of studying, working and living in different countries and diversified cultural environment. 1984-99 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland (incl. such posts like Deputy Head of Mission in Islamabad, Deputy Director of Personnel, Consul General of Poland in Edinburgh). Between 1999 and 2006 Government Affairs Manager at BP Polska, responsible for lobbing, external affairs and relationship management. Worked as Government Affairs Manager at BP Polska sp. Z o. o., Public Affairs Consultant at Lemawi Consultant and City Director Warsaw, Clinton Climate Initiative at Clinton Foundation. Currently Director General at POPiHN (Polish Oil Trade and Industry Organisation).

Unni Wikan

Unni Wikan
Graduated from Sociology at the University of Oslo (1965-66), social anthropology at the University of Bergen (1967-68) and Arabic at the American University in Cairo (1968-69). Visiting professor at a number of universities across the world, among them Harvard University, USA; Beersheba University, Israel; L´école des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris; and London School of Economics (LSE). She has conducted field work in Egypt, Oman, Yemen, Indonesia, Bhutan and the Nordic countries. In 2004 awarded with the prestigious Norwegian Fritt Ord Award. Main fields of research: cultural theory, religion, poverty and development, gender, health, emotions, communications, immigration and integration, social welfare, human rights, and honor.

Anna Wiśniewski

Anna Wisniewski

Counsellor,Consulate General of Hungary in Krakow.  Holds PhD in International Economics (Modernization strategies and Monetary Accession: a comparative study of Poland and Hungary, University of Economics and Administration, Budapest, Hungary) and also has a Masters of Arts and Economics degree. Works as Associated research fellow at Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2001 worked as a consultant responsible for Poland in Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary. Schollarships at Jagiellonian University, Catholic University in Lublin, University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium. 

Nina Witoszek-Fitzpatrick

Nina Witoszek-Fitzpatrick

 Polish professor at Oslo University and Oxford University. After graduating with a degree in linguistics from Wrocław University, in 1988 Witoszek received a doctorate in comparative cultural history from the University of Stockholm. At the beginning of 2005 she was included among the top 10 most outstanding Norwegian intellectuals in a ranking published by Dagbladet magazine. Witoszek is also a novelist and screenwriter. The collection of short stories entitled Fables of the Irish Intelligentsia and published under her pseudonym garnered a prestigious literary award in Ireland and the story The Loves of Faustyna (translated into polish) have created a sensation on the British literary market. In 2005 she was awarded the prestigious Freedom of Expression Prize for "bringing novel, Eastern European perspectives into the Scandinavian public debate". She donated part of the award to establishing the Solidarity Europe Association. Her recent books include Culture and Crisis (Oxford, New York, 2003) and Daimons (New York, 2003).

Jacek Woźniakowski

Jacek Woźniakowski

Professor of history of art. Uniwersytet Jagielloński and Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. He also was the chairman of the board of Villa Decius Association, now its Honorary President. He cooperated with Tygodnik Powszechny, was chief editor of  Znak and chief editor of publishing house Znak. 1989 he took part in the Round Table negotiations. 1990-1991 he was mayor of the of city Kraków. Author of dozens of books: "Zapiski kanadyjskie", "Góry niewzruszone" and articles, interpreter of Bennett and Greene. For special merits for France in field of culture awarded with Croix de la Légion d'Honneur.

Mirosław Wróblewski

Mirosław Wróblewski

Director of the Department of Constitutional and International Law in Commissioner of Human Rights Office. Legal counsel, appointed civil servant, certified internal auditor in public finance sector units. A graduate of law and political studies (specialization - international relations). He is an author of nearly 50 articles and scientific publications in the field of constitutional, international, European and human rights law. In recent years, he has often prepared or co-operated in the preparation of the positions of the Ombudsman and represented the Commissioner in court proceedings and in front of the Constitutional Tribunal. Member of the Management Board of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency for the term 2012-2017. In December 2012 elected as the chairman of the Agency's Budget Committee. In December 2014, elected by the management board to the 4-member Executive Committee of the Agency. He was the coordinator of the Ombudsmen Cooperation Program of the EU Eastern Partnership countries initiated by the Ombudsman in 2009-2010. He was an expert at the invitation of international institutions (including the Council of Europe, ECRI, the European Commission, the United Nations High Representative for Human Rights) and national (in Europe and Asia). A member of the Polish Association of European Law, the Polish Constitutional Society and the Association of prof. Zbigniew Hołda.

Henryk Wujec

Henryk Wujec

Opposition activist in the communist times, MP and former Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Currently he is the Presidential Adviser for Social Affairs. He organised and edited the underground newspaper “Worker” and was one of the founders of Free Trade Unions. In 1987–1988 he was a member, and from 1988 to 1990 the secretary of the Civic Committee of the President of the “Solidarity” Lech Wałęsa. In 1989 he took part in the Round Table Talks. He served as the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture in the Jerzy Buzek’s Cabinet. He was awarded with the Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland by the Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Karla Wursterová

Karla Wursterová

Graduated in Business Management at the University of Economics in Bratislava and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique in Paris. Her professional career begun in 1998, working at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic. After working two years for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, she served four years (2005-2009) in Prague, as second secretary in Embassy of the Slovak Republic. Between 2010 and 2012 she worked as the Director of the Development Assistance and Humanitarian Aid Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bratislava. Since August 2012, she holds the position Executive Director of International Visegrad Fund, in Bratislava. Speaks five languages: English, French, Czech, Hungarian and Russian.



