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Boring topics that really matter

The fourth day of this year Visegrad Summer School was devoted to very concrete topics. After the theoretical considerations of the previous days – now the participants were invited to ponder upon the practical application of the ideas.

Does the history exist?

The second day of the Visegrad Summer School was devoted to the general conceptualisation of the Central Europe. While, during the third day the participants were invited for a journey throughout the ages.

Rediscovered Central Europe as a role-model

The second day of the Visegrad Summer School was devoted to the challenges of the Central and Eastern Europe.

Age of indifference

The inaugural lecture of the 12. Visegrad Summer School was given by Josep Ramoneda. “Democracy is under threat” – that was the main point made by the philosopher. Obviously, freedom and fundamental rights – even if inherent and inalienable are not given for granted but demand a constant care.

Candlelight debate with Ambassadors

What is the human dimension of the Visegrad cooperation? became the main topic of the 12. Visegrad Summer School Ambassadors’ panel debate conducted by Krzysztof Bobiński.



