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Samba knows more

Well, 12. Visegrad Summer School is coming to an end. Sitting alone in one of the elegant rooms at the highest floor of the renaissance Villa Decius I can’t avoid nostalgic feelings. That was a great time. Now it’s almost over.

#Politics in 140 characters

Digital diplomacy was the main topic of the lecture given by Olga Maksymenko that opened the day. It’s an essential part of the statecraft of the 21st century. The contemporary politics cannot ignore the recent developments of the communication technologies.

Art for social change

The tenth Day of 12. Visegrad Summer School was devoted to art and culture.

Brontosaur can’t become a rabbit

Indeed, it can’t. But what shall be done to push it forward? The answer of Anna Danilewicz and Jean-Pierre Deru is simple. We need more creativity.

Photos available at the GALLERY section



