
Juliusz Braun

Juliusz Braun

In 1989 he was elected a member of Sejm (the Lower House of Polish Parliament) and held the position of a chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for Culture and Mass Media for the next 9 years. In 1990 he co-founded the Democratic Union Party. Later he was a member of the Union of Freedom Party. In 1999 he was appointed a member of the National Broadcasting Council by Sejm for a period of 6 years, until 2003 he served as the chairman of the Council. After that he started working as the general director of the Association of the Council for Advertising.

Emil Brix

Emil Brix

Holds a doctorate in history from the University of Vienna. Since 1982 he’s served for the Foreign Service of the Republic Austria. 1986 – 1989 he worked for the Austrian Parliament and was the head of the Cabinet of the Austrian Minister of Science and Research. From 1990 to summer 1995 he was the Austrian Consul General in Krakow, Poland. From 1995 to 1999 Director of the Austrian Cultural Institute in London. Later on he was the head of the Department for Cultural Programming at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Secretary General of the Austrian Research Association and a lecturer at the College of New Europe of the International Cultural Centre in Krakow.

Florence La Bruyère

Florence La Bruyère

A French born journalist, she studied Political Science at the Institut d’Etudes politiques in Paris and read history at Cambridge University (UK). In 1990 she moved to Hungary where she became a permanent correspondent until 2003 for the French public radio, dailies La Croix & Libération and weekly l’Express. From Budapest she also covered other countries in the region. She is the author of “Sarajevo, my love” – a biography of General Divjak, one of the commanders of the Bosnian army. Today she still covers Hungary and shares her time between Paris and Budapest.

Andrzej Bryk

Historian, lawyer, a specialist for Northern American issues. He is a professor at the Jagiellonian University, Harvard University and other universities. Former advisor of the Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki. He is a member of the Chair of the History of State and Law.

Marek Brzózka

Marek Brzózka - born in 1983 in Segedynia. From 2002-2003 he studied at the István Tomörkény Art Gymnasium, where he specialized in decorative sculpture. In January 2003, he was on scholarship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. From 2003 to 2008, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest in the figurative sculpture studio. In 2006, as part of the Erasmus program, he had a study stay at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. Since 2013, he has continued his doctoral studies at Magyar Képzömüvészeti Egyetem in Budapest. He lives and creates in Segedin, works in monumental and chamber sculpture and drawing, and works as a teacher. He has had numerous

solo and group exhibitions and monumental realizations.

Kazimierz Bujakowski

Kazimierz Bujakowski

Mr. Bujakowski completed a Masters in Geodesy and Cartography, while he also holds a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences. During the period between 1997-2001 he finished Postgraduate studies in Business Administration at the Business and Management School of the Economic Academy in Krakow. Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow since 2004, he is currently in charge of spatial development of the city.

Michał Bukowski

Michał M. Bukowski (PhD) works in the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He specializes in political communication with particular emphasis on political economy of local communication in a world-systems perspective. Books he has authored and co-authored several books include “The ruling and the opposition parties in 2014 local elections in Małopolska” (2016), “Keywords in governmental political communication: an international perspective” (2015), “A party or a person?: party-based politics versus personalization in municipal elections” (2011). He is a member of the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) and the Polish Communication Science Association (PTKS).

Václav Burian

Václav Burian

Poet, translator and publicist. He works for the Tygodnik Powszechny weekly. He teaches Polish Studies at the University of Olomouc. Burian translated the poetry of Czesław Miłosz into Czech.

Juraj Buzalka

Juraj Buzalka

Associate professor of social anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava. He researches on social and political movements. He is collaborator of the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA), editor-in-chief of the journal OS – Občianska spoločnosť and regular feuilletonist of the Czech bimonthly Listy. He is an author of Nation and Religion: The Politics of Commemoration in South-east Poland (Münster: Lit 2007). Currently he is preparing his monograph on workers and tolerance in Eastern Europe. Among his recent works are ‘Tasting Wine in Slovakia: Post-socialist Elite Consumption of Cultural Particularities’ (in Wine and Culture: Vineyard to Glass. Rachel E. Black and Robert C. Ulin eds, Bloomsbury Publishing 2013) and a book of essays Slovenská ideológia a kríza. Eseje z antropológie politiky (Slovak Ideology and Crisis. Essays in Anthropology of Politics, Bratislava: Kalligram 2012).

Josef Byrtus

Josef Byrtus

Served as the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Katowice until 2007. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the Charles University and the University of Economics in Prague. He worked for the Ministry of Economy and Development (advisor on international cooperation, director of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, director of the board, advisor to the Prime Minister), Chief Director of the Office of the Ministry of International Relations. Subsequently, he begun his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (Director of the Office).



