
Janusz Styczek

Janusz Styczek

Deputy Director, European Policy Department, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Natasza Styczyńska

Natasza Styczyńska

Holds MA degree in Political Sciences and in European Studies, also studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from 2006 she works at Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University. Between 2009-2011 she has been researcher in the RECON (Reconstituting Democracy in Europe) Integrated Project supported by the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme. Her academic interests include transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, party politics and euroscepticism in the CEE region, as well as Austro-Hungarian heritage in the Central and Southern Europe.

Andrzej Styliński

A long-time correspondent for the Associated Press, the world’s largest and oldest news agency, and the head of the AP’s operations in Poland. He has reported on the fall of communism in the Eastern Europe and various aspects of the region’s political, economic and social transition after 1989. In February 2004, following 20 years with the AP, moved to work as television news editor for TVN24, Poland’s first all-news television. In April 2005, joined Siemens Sp. z o. o., the global concern’s Polish regional company, as the PR director and press spokesman. 

Michał Sutowski

Michał Sutowski

Polish political commentator, editor and translator; activist of Krytyka Polityczna since 2007 and coordinator of the Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw since 2012. He obtained his MA in political science at the College of Inter-Faculty Studies in the Humanities, at the University of Warsaw in 2009. He has translated numerous high-profile books, including some of Ulrich Beck’s, Michael Kazin's and Manuel Castells’, into Polish. He is the co-author of books: Żyj i pozwól żyć (an interview with Agata Bielik-Robson) and Związki przyjacielskie (an interview with Ludwika Wujec) and the editor of Pisma polityczne by Jacek Kuroń. As a commentator on political and social issues, as well as political economy he has written for some of Poland’s biggest newspapers, such as Gazeta Wyborcza, and Rzeczpospolita, with his main fields of interest being European integration, German politics, and the history of ideas, particularly in recent Polish and Central European history.

Martin Svárovský

Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Poland. Graduated in 1996 from the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague (B.A. in History), in 1999 graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague (M.A. in German Studies). In years 1997/1998 he did the Bundestag Internship Program. In 1998 was at Fridrich Wilhelms University in Bonn. In 1999 worked within an Internship at the Office of the President of the Czech Republic and from 1999 has been working at the Czech MFA. Until 2002 served as a Head of unit for Visegrad Group and non-German speaking countries at the Central European Department. In years 2002 – 2006 he served as a Deputy Chief of Mission at the Czech Embassy in Budapest. From 2007 to 2008 Deputy Director of the Central European Department of the MFA, from 2008 until 2010 Deputy Director of the Strategy and Analyses Department. From August 2010 at Embassy of the Czech Republic to Poland.

Paweł Świderski

Paweł Świderski

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Brazil in Krakow. Graduated in Oriental Philology from the Jagiellonian University, and in European Studies from the Pułtusk School of Humanities. PhD in Management. His work experience include supervising implementation of development plans, diplomatic representation of Poland, creation of bilateral economic cooperation at the level of countries and regions, economic analyses, negotiating international agreements in the field of economic cooperation and supervising execution of international commercial and industrial cooperation agreements. Lecturer at the Jagiellonian University in the field of strategy of development and human resources; Chairman of the Foundation for the Jagiellonian University; consultant in local government.  

Paweł Świeboda

Paweł Świeboda

Founder and head of demosEuropa – the Centre for European Strategy. He graduated in 1994 from the London School of Economics (International Relations). In 1996 he became an adviser on European policy to the President of Poland and later headed the European Integration Office in the President’s Chancellery. Between 2001 and 2006 he served as the Director of the European Union Department in the Foreign Ministry. Swieboda is a member of several expert commissions including the Lisbon Council and the Commission on Europe after 50 set up by Chatham House. He writes a regular column on foreign policy in the Gazeta Wyborcza daily. 

Grzegorz Święch

Management specialist with over 25 years of experience gained at all levels of the different organizations. The main managing experience was acquired at Eurobank (Managing Director), where he managed the structure of more than 2,000 employees. CEO in the Academic Incubators of Entrepreneurship, where he deals with development of the projects in the start-up phase (seed investment found). He created and continue development of the biggest incubators structure in Poland, creating base for startup community – Business Link. Currently, is VP/Partner in New Motivations – one of the biggest Polish training and development company.

Julia Święch

An ageless human being, who dropped out of school. She created her first company as a 13 years old. Currently, she co-creates events, films, graphics, helps in running social media and supports in online existence.

Jiří Sýkora

Jiří Sýkora

V4 Public Relations Coordinator,International Visegrad Fund. 



