
Michal Kopeček

Michal Kopeček

Head of the Department for the History of Post-Communist Transition (from 2003 to present) in the Institute of Contemporary History at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. Fulbright Scholar-in-residence, Endicott College, Beverly, MA, USA (2005-2006). Ph.D. degree, Russian and Eastern European Studies, Institute of International Area Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Dissertation title: ‘In Quest of the Revolution’s Lost Meaning. Marxist Revisionism in Central Europe 1953-1960.’ (5/2005). Academic Fields: Modern intellectual history in Central Europe, Communism and transition studies, history of historiography.

Bedřich Kopecký


Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland (2002 - 2008). PhD degree of law at the Charles's Uniwersity in Praha. He works in diplomacy since 1977. 2000 - 2002 Director of the Central Europe Department at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Krzysztof Kopytko

The first secretary of the deparment of institutional and legal issues of the Polish Permanent Representation to the European Union on Brussels. Former director of the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland.

Michal Kořan

Michal Kořan

Deputy Director in Institute of International Relations, Prague, former Head of Research. Received his PhD in 2008 at the Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). In 2012 a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. He mainly focuses on foreign policy analysis of the Central European countries, Central European sub-regional cooperation and Central Europe in European and World Affairs. He is the lead-author of an annual book analyzing Czech foreign policy and a main coordinator of the Strategic Grant of the International Visegrad Fund “The Visegrad Group in the Post-Lisbon EU: Getting Closer to Move Further”. Program chair of annual “International Symposium on Czech Foreign Policy”. His texts has been published, among others, in journals European Security, Osteuropa, Perspectives, Journal of International Relations and Development and by publishing houses Palgrave and Routledge.

Adrienne Körmendy

Adrienne Körmendy

Graduated from the Eötvös Lόránd University in Budapest. Defended her PhD thesis in History and in 1986 obtained habilitated doctor degree at the History Institute of Warsaw University. She is the Laureate of the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Award in 1988-89. Her research focuses on studying Settlement History in Central Europe in the Middle Ages specializing in German Settlement and German Law. She worked for the Hungarian Diplomatic Service in Warsaw, Poland. Lectured on Hungarian History and International relations at the Department of Hungarian Studies of Warsaw University and Pułtusk Aleksandr Gieysztor Academy of Humanities. Appointed Hungarian Consul General in Krakow in 2014.

Peter Kormúth

Deputy Head of the Mission of the Slovak Republic to Poland. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute of International Relations of the Comenius University (Law Faculty) in Bratislava. Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic in 1993, held different posts in Ministry (Director of the Department of OSCE, Council of Europe and Disarmament, Deputy Director of the Department of Human Rights) and abroad (Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Slovakia to Belgium and Luxembourg, Deputy to the Permanent Representative, Mission to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg.)

Tomasz Korzeniowski

Since 1979 has been engaged in Jewish history and culture. Translator of the Hebrew literature. Among his translations there are: poetry of Jehuda Amichaj: The end of orange season (Koniec sezonu pomarańczy), poetic prose of Amos Oz: The same sea (To samo morze), prose of Chaim Beera Dawid Grossman, Mira Magen, Orli Kastel-Blum, poems of contemporary Israeli poets. Since 1990 has published in newspapers and magazines (i.a. Zeszyty Literackie, Kwartalnik Artystyczny).

Agnieszka Kosińska

Agnieszka Kosińska

1996 - 2004 Polish literature teacher, Czeslaw Milosz’s personal assistant, director of The Milosz Institute. Library & Archives.

Agnieszka Kosowicz

Graduated from the Warsaw University, Faculty of Journalism. Since 1999 UNHCR External Relations Officer in Warsaw. Responsible for the educational activities of the Office, UNHCR publications in Poland, and liaisons with Polish non-governmental organisations. Former journalist, she specialises in international journalism. She has published her reports from Iraq, Albania and Kosovo in Życie and Sztandardailies. Co-author of the Łąka Popiołów (Meadow of Ashes) photo exhibition about war and conflict in Kosovo.


Michel Henri Kowalewicz

Michel Henri Kowalewicz

Historian of ideas and philosophy, initiator and co-editor of the book series in mentis Verlag Münster: Vestigia idearum historica. Beiträge zur ideengeschichte Europas (one of the tangible effects of the project of the National Program for the Development of Humanities of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education); coordinator of international and interdisciplinary research network History of Ideas Research Network and director of the History of Ideas Research Centre, an independent research unit at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University, based in Villa Decius in Krakow.



