
Roman Andrejko

Journalist, director of the Radiocompania LUX, Lviv.

Timothy Garton Ash

Timothy Garton Ash

Is Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professional Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is the author of nine books of ‘history of the present’, including The Polish Revolution: Solidarity, The Magic Lantern: The Revolution of ’89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague, The File and, most recently, Facts are Subversive. His essays appear regularly in The New York Review of Books and he writes a column in The Guardian which is widely syndicated in Europe, Asia and the Americas including in Gazeta Wyborcza. He is currently leading a major Oxford University research project on global free speech norms in the internet age, which can be followed in 13 languages on, and writing a book on free speech.

Monika Baar

Rosalind Franklin Fellow and Senior Lecturer at the University of Groningen (Netherlands). She completed her undergraduate studies in History and Literature and Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and was awarded her doctorate in Modern History by the University of Oxford in 2002. She subsequently held positions at  the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and the University of Essex. Her research focuses on modern historiography, cultural history and the history of political thought. Her recent book, Historians and Nationalism: East-Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century was published by Oxford University Press (February, 2010). She is participant of the research programme History of Political Thought in East-Central Europe (2008-2013), which is hosted by the Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia.

Marko Babić

Associate professor (Ph.D. Hab.), Head of Eurasian Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, the University of Warsaw. 

His research and teaching mainly focus on the contemporary Western Balkans' region – geopolitical position, state building processes, ethnic conflicts including such determinants as history, religion, civilizations (axiology/culture). His further research covers political philosophy, cultural anthropology and sociology in their theoretical and normative dimensions. 

Author and (co)author of 4 books and 35 scientific papers. Visiting professor at several European university including Science Po - L'Institut d'études politiques de Paris, University of Belgrade, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary etc.

He supports with expert opinions Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Ministry of National Defence, The Aspen Institute (Deutschland), Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW).

András Bakács

Holds MA in European Studies from the College of Europe in Warsaw. Since 2001 he has been working for the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Central-Eastern European research group.

Anikó Bakonyi

Anikó Bakonyiis a human rights defender from Budapest, Hungary. For the past twelve years, she has been working for the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the leading Hungarian NGO focused on refugee rights, where she is now Head of the Refugee Program. Her work focuses on protecting the rights of refugees through human rights monitoring, counselling, advocacy, and reporting.

In her professional life, Anikó has worked with victims of human trafficking, Roma and Jewish Holocaust survivors and their families, and refugees arriving in Hungary from all over the world. Since 2020, she also serves as one of the co-chairs on the board of the Berlin-based EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, with a membership of 180 organizations from the EU and Russia. Her interests have always centered around social justice, and protecting and empowering disadvantaged groups in society.

She holds degrees from ELTE University of Budapest (BAs in English, Russian and American Studies), Central European University of Budapest (MA in Human Rights) and the Harvard Kennedy School (Mid-Career Master in Public Administration).

Adam Balcer

Adam Balcer – Program Director at the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe, lecturer at the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw, and national expert for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). He hosts the podcast "Babel" on TOK FM radio, dedicated to the historical and cultural connections between Poland and the Islamic world. He is the author of three books and numerous articles and reports in Polish, English, and German, focusing on Polish foreign policy, the Balkans, Turkey, Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Leszek Balcerowicz

Leszek Balcerowicz

Since 2000 holds the position of the president of the NBP (Polish Central Bank). 1989-1991 Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and President of Economic Commitee of the Council of Ministers in the first non-communist government in Poland after World War II. In this vital period in Polands' transition he designed and executed the radical stabilization and transformation of Polish economy, leading it to free market economy. 1995-2000 the president of Freedom Union (UW). 1997-2000 Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and President of Economic Commitee of the Council of Ministers. He has given many lectures and seminars world-wide. He is the author of numerous publications on economic issues in Poland and abroad.

Beata Balogová

Beata Balogová is editor-in-chief of the SME daily newspaper [2], one of the major independent dailies in the Slovak Republic. She joined SME in 2014, having previously been editor of Slovakia's English-language weekly The Slovak Spectator from 2003 to 2014. Beata was a Fulbright scholar of the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri, Columbia and she also holds a master's degree in journalism from the School of Journalism at Columbia University in New York. Beata won the 2020 European Press Prize in the opinion section, being the first Slovak to win the prestigious award. Currently she is a member of the Prize´s preparatory committee. Beata is an active advocate of press freedom and also is the author of a fiction book Kornelie, published in three languages.

Andrej Bán

Andrej Bán

One of the most renowned Slovak contemporary photographers. Photography reporter for prestigious magazines Reflex and Mlady svet. Realized photography reportages from Kosovo, the Northern Ireland, Israel. Currently works as a freelance photographer and chairs the humanitarian organization People in Peril. He is the co-founder of the Slovak Documentary Photo civic association.



