Michal Kořan


Deputy Director in Institute of International Relations, Prague, former Head of Research. Received his PhD in 2008 at the Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). In 2012 a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. He mainly focuses on foreign policy analysis of the Central European countries, Central European sub-regional cooperation and Central Europe in European and World Affairs.

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Danuta Glondys


She holds a PhD degree in the Humanities, MA in English Philology and in Political Studies. In the period 1993–1999, she was director of the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Krakow and following it, the Regional Director of the USAID programme in Poland. She is the European Commission expert in the European Capitals of Culture programme selecting and monitoring all ECOC since 2009.

Martin Ehl


PhD at Charles University, Prague in Political Science, recipient of numerous fellowships and professional courses in the U.S., Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia. In 1999 he was a research fellow at Institute of International Relations, Prague, between 2001-2006 lecturer at University of West Bohemia Pilsen teaching global issues. Since 2001, a reporter for the Czech economic daily Hospodářské noviny, and since 2006 the head of the foreign desk. Previously, he worked in various Czech written media outlets, incl. TV and radio.

Lászlό Rajk


Architect and designer, a former Hungarian dissident. A Doctor of Liberal Arts from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture. In 1998, he was one of the founders of the Network of Free Initiatives and the Liberal Party, the Alliance of Free Democrats. Between 1990–1996 he has a Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Committee on Culture and Member of the Parliament. Since 1992 he has worked as a Professor of Film Architecture at the Hungarian Film Academy in Budapest.

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Krzysztof Bobiński


Is the President of Unia & Polska, a pro-European organisation. He worked with the Financial Times as its Warsaw Correspondent from 1976 to 2000 and later published Unia & Polska, a magazine devoted to EU issues. He writes for openDemocracy and is associate editor on the Europe section of Europe’s World. He is a co-chair of Steering Committee of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. He studied modern history at Magdalen College, Oxford. He is a Commander (II class) of the Stella della Solidarieta’ Italiana.

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