Jerzy Miller


Educated at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, graduating from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automatics. Ever since 1990 his professional involvement has been one with public administration. He held the position of Director of the Organization and Supervision Division, and also he served as Director of the Małopolska Province Office in Krakow. Between 1993-1998 he worked as Vice-Governor of the former Kraków Province.

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Mazen Maarouf


Mazen Maarouf is a Palestinian poet and writer. His three books of poetry are:“An Angel Suspended On The Clothesline” (Beirut, 2012), “The Camera Doesn’t Capture Birds” (1st edition 2004, 2nd edition 2010) and "Our Grief Resembles Bread"(Beirut, 2000). He took part in several internatrional poetry readings in Lebanon, Scotland and France. His poetry has been translated in English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Maltese and lately Icelandic and Chinese. Mazen Maarouf is now a writer in residency in (Iceland).

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Jan Lityński


Participant of the students' manifestations in March 1968, for which he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. In 1976, he became co-founder of the “Information Bulletin”, the first uncensored Polish magazine. In 1977, he was a co-editor of “The Worker”, an independent magazine advocating the formation of free trade unions. A member of the Committee for Social Self-Defence of the Workers' Defence Committee, he cooperated with the Intervention Office of the Committee for Social Self-Defence of the Workers' Defence Committee.

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Leszek Jazdzewski


Leszek Jażdżewski is a graduate of the University of Oxford, founder and editor-in-chief of Liberté!, a liberal journal and foundation based in Poland.
Liberté! organises the annual Freedom Games, one of the biggest intellectual forums in Central Europe.
Leszek was a Policy Fellow at the School of Transnational Government at the EUI and a non-resident fellow at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna where his work focused on the ways of countering the rise of national populism in Europe.

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Rune Eraker


For more than two decades worked as an independent documentary photographer.  He became a member of the Amsterdam based picture agency Hollandse Hoogte back in 1990. Eraker has had a number of solo exhibitions in artmuseums (a selection: The Stenersenmuseum (Oslo 2001), Trondheim Artmuseum (2006),  Nobels Peacecenter (Oslo 2009), Sørlandet  Artmuseum (Kristiansand 2010), Bryggen Museum (Bergen 2005) and Guayasamin Artmuseum (Quito, Equador 1993))  and has published widely in magazines and newspapers, both in Norway and internationally.

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