
The search for common heritage

The search for common heritage included visiting the most unique places of Malopolska region during the weekend.

No law forbids egoism?

“Crisis in EU is the effect of lack of social imagination and an ability to find connections between macroeconomics and national interest” – said Wiesław Gumuła at the end of the first week of Visegrad Summer School lectures.

Potential for reconciliation and cultural cooperation in Central Europe

“Is V4 embodiment of Central Europe?” – asked in the beginning of the lecture Michal Vašečka, the main expert in the forth day of Visegrad Summer School.

Identity and culture of Central Europe

Challenges of multiculturalism

Wednesday was a day of a stormy debate about the problem of incompatibility of North and Southbetween participants and experts: Aslı Erdoğan, Andrei Pleșu and László Rajk moderated by Michal Vašečka.

Multidimensional Europe. Southern perspective

Dilemmas and questions – the second day of VSS

During the second day of VSS, participants could attend the great lecture given by Prof. Jonathan Holslag, postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders and teacher international politics at the Free University Brussels.



