
Tomasz Dettloff

Tomasz Dettloff

Director and scriptwriter. Lecturing at Institute of Audiovisual Arts at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Graduated in film studies and cinema direction. The author of many documentaries, television theatre plays, television features and screenplays. Awarded in many international film festivals. 

Paweł Dobrowolski

Professor of Collegium Civitas. Consul at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Edinburgh 1990-95, Vice Director  of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office 1995-2000, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Canada 2000-2004, Director of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Office 2006. Graduated from history at  the Warsaw University. Author of books devoted to history of medieval Europe.  

Danuta Dobrzyńska-Schimmer

Works in two areas: management and communication. She leads the New Europe 100 project supported by Res Publica Foundation, Google and Financial Times. The New Europe 100 list published each year is about individuals from the CEE region who are changing the world and improving people's lives with ideas that scale up in the digital world. NE100 seeks and brings together personalities whose actions drive them and societies to a better future. Previously Danuta has been working as a journalist - anchor of the main tv news programs, editor-in-chief of the Foreign news desk in Polish Public Television and reporter. She leads media trainings for students, managers, PR specialists.

Rafał Domisiewicz

Rafał Domisiewicz currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Department of European Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ) in Poland. His department oversees bilateral relations with European countries, excluding those in Eastern Europe. Morover, handles multilateral cooperation matters in Europe, including within the Visegrad Group, Weimar Triangle, Central European Initiative, and the Council of the Baltic Sea States. Department of European Policy is responsible for liaising with European Affairs departments in foreign ministries across Europe. Previously, he held roles such as Head of the Western Europe Division within the Department of European Policy at MSZ.

Olga Dorokhina

Graduated from Georgian Polytechnic Institute, has a diploma with honors of engineer-electro-energetic. After 10 years work in Georgian Railway Department she started activities with Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Georgian National Committee (hCa GNC). Since May 2000 program manager of hCa GNC. From 2002 - program manager of the South Caucasus Institute for Regional Security (SCIRS).  Since 2003 she coordinates the work of Caucasus Center for Transborder Cooperation (under SCIRS). She is an author and co-author of more then 30 projects accomplished in Georgia as well as at the international level, number of articles and researches on the following issues - border management, transfrontier cooperation, migration, intercommunity dialog.  

Vít Dostál

Deputy Director of the Association for International Affairs (AMO) Research Center. He pursues his PhD in European Studies at the Faculty of Social Studies of the Masaryk University in Brno. He holds also MA in European Studies and BA in European Studies and International Relations from the Masaryk University. He completed study stay at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw and internships at the Czech Embassy in Poland and the South Moravian Region Representation to the EU. He has been cooperating with AMO since 2006. He covers the Polish internal and foreign policy, Central-European cooperation and Czech foreign and European policy.

Milena Dragicević-Sesić

Milena Dragicević-Sesić

Rector of University of Arts, Belgrade, Professor at the Faculty of Drama. Chair of Art & Culture SubBoard, Open Society Institute (Soros fund), Budapest. Lecturer on the numerous courses: European Diploma in Cultural Project Management (Foundation Marcel Hicter, Bruxelles), ECUMEST, Dijon-Bucarest, Moscow School of Social and Economical Sciences, CEU Budapest, Lyon II, Jagellonian University in Krakow, etc.  External examiner for the Master Programme "Art & Media Management in a European Context". Trainer-expert, consultant in cultural policy and management for European Cultural Foundation, Council of Europe, UNESCO, Foundation Marcel Hicter, G 17 +, British Council etc. Realized more then 50 projects in cultural policy and management. Published 12 books and more then 100 essays. 

Józef Dulak

Józef Dulak

Head of the Faculty of Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University. Holds a PhD degree and Habilitation from the Jagiellonian University. His areas of interest include in particular heme oxygenase-1, angiogenesis and gene therapy. Recipient of numerous grants for his research, an author of numerous publications.

Victoria Dunaeva

Victoria Dunaeva

Journalist, editor-in-chief of the Spektrum Polsko-Mołdawskie.  

Jakub Dürr

Jakub Dürr (born 1976) is a Czech political scientist, Polish philologist and diplomat, in 2018-2020 he was the permanent representative of the Czech Republic to the EU, previously in 2008-2009 he was deputy minister of education, youth and physical education, and in 2016-2018 deputy minister of affairs foreign countries of the Czech Republic. He was also the vice-rector for foreign and external relations at the Palacky University in Olomouc. In December 2021, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Poland.



