
Anna Lengyel

After eight years at the Kaposvár Theatre and four with the legendary independent company, Krétakör, and working with Tamás Ascher, Árpád Schilling, Pina Bausch, Declan Donnellan and Robert Wilson, from Sydney through Berlin to New York, she founded her independent company, PanoDrama to focus on socio-political documentary work. Recent projects include the first production of Nobel-laurate Elfriede Jelinek in Hungary, “Stecken, Stab und Stangl” and the first verbatim project in her homeland, “Word for Word” on the recent racist Roma murders, which she also directed and which began touring internationally in 2012. Two verbatim projects followed since, one education and one on hate crimes with a live jury. A translator (Martin McDonagh’s “Pillowman”, Sarah Ruhl’s “The Clean House”, Tom Stoppard’s “Rock ‘n’ Roll”, among others), a Fulbright alumna and a lecturer at the Budapest University of Theatre and Film and the Academy of Music and Theatre in Vilnius. She continues to work with Tamás Ascher and Robert Wilson internationally.

Grzegorz Lipiec

Grzegorz Lipiec

Since 2015 Member of the Office of Malopolska Voivodship. Member of the Commission on Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Commission on Culture, the Commission on Regional Development, Promotion and Foreign Cooperation, and the Statutory Legal Commission. Studied political science at the Jagiellionian University. Worked as as lecturer at the Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice), as project manager for the Foundation MCRD, for the Institute of Public Affairs and for the Institute of Strategic Studies. Later he became director of the regional section of the Resident’s Military Agency in Krakow. Since 2010 councillor of Malopolska Voivodship (now in the second tenure).

Paweł Lisicki

Paweł Lisicki

The editor-in-chief of the Rzeczpospolita daily.  

Jan Lityński

Jan Lityński

Participant of the students' manifestations in March 1968, for which he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. In 1976, he became co-founder of the “Information Bulletin”, the first uncensored Polish magazine. In 1977, he was a co-editor of “The Worker”, an independent magazine advocating the formation of free trade unions. A member of the Committee for Social Self-Defence of the Workers' Defence Committee, he cooperated with the Intervention Office of the Committee for Social Self-Defence of the Workers' Defence Committee. In 1980, he was an advisor for the “Solidarity” Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union. In 1981, when martial law was in force, he was arrested. After escaping while on leave from prison he joined the “Solidarity” underground movement, during 1984, he became a member of the Regional Executive Committee of the “Solidarity” Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union, Mazowsze Region. In 1989, he was elected to Sejm from the wałbrzyskie voivodship. Between 1989 and 2001 he was a deputy to the Sejm, he was, among others, a chairman of the Social Policy Committee and the Intelligence Committee. Since 1990 in the Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action (ROAD), then in the Democratic Union and the Freedom Union (vice-chairman). He was an author of publications in the Polish and foreign press, among others in “The Criticism”, “Plus”, “Mazowsze Weekly”, “Res Publica” and other uncensored magazines before 1989. He was published in the Polish and foreign press after 1989, among others in “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Rzeczpospolita”, “Dziennik”, “Polityka”, “Newsweek”, “Zeszyty Literackie”. Book publications include, among others: “The Polish Peasants' Party 1945-47 – a resistance model”, “Solidarity – problems, question marks”. He was honored with the Commodore's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Commodore's Cross with the Star. Currently an advisor for Polish President Bronisław Komorouski on issues relating to political parties and political environments. 

Manuel Loff

Manuel Loff

Manuel Loff (Oporto, Portugal, 1965), PhD in History and Civilisation at the European University Institute (Florence). Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of History and Political and International Studies, University of Porto (Portugal), coordinator at the Instituto de História Contemporânea of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa of a research thematic line on "Connected Histories: State-Building, Social Movements and Political Economy". Associate researcher at the Centre d'Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democracies (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona). Taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1997-98), visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2013). Lectured in several European, Latin-American and African universities and has been a referee and/or evaluator for several international journals and academic/scientific institutions. He presently researches on democratic and authoritarian transitions, transitional justice and social forms of (re)construction of collective memory and the policies of memory developed by the State and political and other collective actors. He is a regular columnist in Lisbon's daily newspaper Público, and a historical and political analyst at the Portuguese public television Rádio e Televisao de Portugal.

Jeff Lovitt

Chair of New Diplomacy, a Prague-based strategic policy insights centre. Jeff has provided policy expertise to clients such as the Council of Europe, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). From 2005-2015, he was Executive Director of PASOS, a network of independent think-tanks in Europe and Central Asia, and he twice served as co-Chair of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. From 2000-2005, he was Director of Communications at the international secretariat of Transparency International (TI). From 1995-1998, he was Central Europe correspondent for The European newspaper, and from 1987-1995 he was an editor and journalist in London for The European, the Sunday Times, New Statesman, Tribune, and other titles. He was an op-ed contributor for the International Herald Tribune. He is the author and editor of a range of publications on inclusive policymaking, including two books for the Council of Europe on civil participation in political decision-making.

Albrecht von Lucke

Albrecht von Lucke

Lawyer, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik in Berlin. The author of the book: 68 oder neues Biedermeier. Der Kampf um die Deutungsmacht about the importance of the '68 generation'.

Milan Lukáč

Milan Lukáč is a Slovak sculptor, painter and university lecturer. He studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava in the studio of Ján Kulich and Ladislav Snopek, and later at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris under Jean Cardot. He works as a lecturer and head of the Institute of Art and Multimedia at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He presented his work in the mini-documentary Do Beba a späť

Helge Lunde

Helge Lunde was the director of Kapittel, Stavanger International Festival of Literature and Freedom of Speech from 1998-2005. During the same period he was responsible for Stavanger as City of Refuge for persecuted writers, and worked together with Norwegian PEN to develop the network throughout Norway and beyond. 

Lunde was among the main figures behind establishing ICORN, the International Cities of Refuge Network in 2005 when the original network International Parliament of Writers was dissolved. He became its first executive director, a position he has been holding since.

Jozef Lupták

Jozef Lupták

One of the leading contemporary musicians in Slovakia. He graduated from VŠMU and Royal Academy of Music in London. Jozef Lupták recorded several albums (e.g. complete suites for solo cello by J. S. Bach, the Cello Project, premiere recordings of V. Godár’s music, live recording from a recital in London, etc.), participated in the creation of several productions of contemporary composers. Jozef Lupták is a co-founder of the Opera Aperta ensemble. He is also the innitiator and art director of the Konvergencie music festival. He gave concerts in the U.S., Mexico, Hungary, France and the UK. His past season’s extraordinary projects included a solo recital at the Melos-Etos festival and an invitation to hold courses at Cardiff University and at the Royal Academy of Music in Wales.



