
Csaba G. Kiss

Csaba G. Kiss


A cultural and literary historian; an essayist and a researcher on Central European cultures; studied Hungarian and German and comparative literature of Eastern Europe (comparing similarities between Polish and Hungarian literature). Hungarian opposition activist (Hungarian Democratic Forum) in the years 1987-1990. In 1992-1995 Director of the Institute of Central Europe in Budapest. Since 1995 scholar at the ELTE University in Budapest. 1994-2004 Visiting Professor in Zagreb. Author of several books on Central European literary and political matters published in France, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia and Poland. His book Dziennik polski (1980-1982) was translated and published in Poland.


Robert Kiss

Mr. Kiss served as Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Poland for over five years from 2007 through until 2012. He graduated from the Faculty of Diplomacy, Moscow State Institute for International Relations in 1985; as an economist. In 2004 he took an advanced qualifying examination in Public Administration – foreign and security policy. He has cooperated with many universities: Budapest School of Politics, Kodolányi János College, Debrecen University and Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen (Belgium). He has worked for Hungarian Ministry of Employment and Labour as deputy director-general, Office of the Minister without portfolio-president.

Borbála Klacsmann

Borbála Klacsmann is an independent Holocaust historian. Her areas of expertise include the microhistory of the Hungarian Holocaust and the restitution and compensation of Holocaust survivors. She completed her doctoral studies at the Department of History at the University of Szeged in 2021. Previously she worked for the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest, the Anne Frank House, and the Yad Vashem Archives. She has organized six international conferences, participated in numerous research projects, and her popularizing and scientific articles have been published in three languages. She is the creator and editor of the popularizing Facebook page Holokauszttörténetek.

Jacek Klich


He holds PhD in both economics and political science. Currently an assistant professor at the Business School of the Jagiellonian University and the director of the Institute for Strategic Studies. During the 1990s he has worked on several projects on Polish privatization policies from an economic viewpoint and has published dozens of articles on the subject. He has also written articles on privatization in healthcare and healthcare policy and still teaches courses on this subject.

Aleksander Koj

Aleksander Koj

A medical doctor and scientist working in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the author of over 200 papers, professor at the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Letters and Polish Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the Award of the Foundation for Polish Science in the field of Biomedical Sciences (1996), and the Award of the City of Krakow in the Field of Science and Technology (2005). Holder of an honorary PhD from three US State Universities: Cleveland, Hartford and Buffalo. Elected three times for the position of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University (1987–1999). Currently, he is a member of the Council of the Polish Rectors Foundation, member of the Board of Directors of Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the President of The Villa Decius Association.

Szilvi Koleszár

Co-Founder of Technology in Education Foundation, an independent nonprofit focused on children and computer science. Skool empowers young girls to pursue careers in technology and engineering and Kódklub is actively involved in improving the study and career opportunities of underprivileged children. Szilvi has a strong experience in the technology sector, having previously worked for LogMeIn for 8 years on bringing in more talents. She has a strong experience in strategic and operative management. Currently she is involved to build and to design a private school system where these skills, alongside collaboration, growth-mindset and cooperation are in the frontier of the education curriculum called Budapest School.

Josef Kollar

Josef Kollar


Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Poland.

Michał Komar

Michał Komar

Polish writer, screenwriter, playwright and journalist.

Wawrzyniec Konarski

Wawrzyniec Konarski

Professor of Political Science (2005) - with habilitation (2002) at the Warsaw School of Social Science and Humanities and the Warsaw University; Ph. D. in political science (1985). A  graduate of the Summer Institute in the American Political System (Washington D.C., Philadelphia, 1995) and a research fellow of the International Salzburg Seminar (Salzburg, 1996). Member of Polish and international scientific organizations, a.o.: Jean de Bloch Society (JBS, Polish and European, 2004), Polish Political Science Association (PPSA, Polish, 2003; its deputy president since 2007), European Political Science Network (EpsNet, French and European, 2001), University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES, British and European, 1998), as well as professional, like Rotary International (1991) [president of the Warsaw Old Town Rotary International Club since July 1, 2004 until June 30, 2005].

Szymon Konop

He holds an MSc degree in Management from the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Poland's leading technical university and a BA in Marketing from the BWSBiI - US Peace Corps funded private college. His professional experience includes managing FMCG brands and B2B marketing in Central Europe, CIS and the Far East. Prior to working for PMR he spent a few years working with leading Polish food and beverage manufacturers. He has joined PMR in 2003 and since that time has been promoted to Senior Consultant and the Head of Consulting Services responsible for further development of PMR offer in the advisory field. The most important of the projects he has managed included reports on construction, retail sector and market entry for specialised products and services. He is also active as a guest lecturer at the Cracow University of Economics. Except of his native Polish he speaks also English and Russian.



