VSS Experts

Borys Tarasyuk

Borys Tarasyuk

Ukrainian diplomat and politician, twice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in five governments under two Presidents (1998-2000, 2005-2007), Vice-President of the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly. Founder and Director (since 2001) of the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation and Chairman of the Board of the magazine "Euroatlantic". Leader of the political party “People's Movement of Ukraine” (2003-2012), Deputy Head of All-Ukraine Union “Bat'kivschyna” party (since 2013). Member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine (since 2002 till now), Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs (since 2014). Chair of Inter-factional Group “Ukraine in NATO”. Head of the Parliamentary Committee for European Integration (2002-2005, 2006 and 2007-2012). Since 1975 he served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mission at the UN (1981-1986), member of Delegation to UN Security Council (1984-1985), Ambassador of Ukraine to the Benelux countries (1995-1998), Head of the Mission of Ukraine to NATO (1997-1998). Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (since 1992).

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