Experts - security policy

Martin Ehl

Martin Ehl

PhD at Charles University, Prague in Political Science, recipient of numerous fellowships and professional courses in the U.S., Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia. In 1999 he was a research fellow at Institute of International Relations, Prague, between 2001-2006 lecturer at University of West Bohemia Pilsen teaching global issues. Since 2001, a reporter for the Czech economic daily Hospodářské noviny, and since 2006 the head of the foreign desk. Previously, he worked in various Czech written media outlets, incl. TV and radio. He has published articles in the Serbian, Slovak and Polish press. His main areas of expertise include: Central Europe, Balkans, security policy, transatlantic relations, globalization, Latin America and Spain. From 2009 onwards, lecturerin Central and Eastern European Political Systems at the Metropolitan University in Prague. Author of a book A Third Decade: about the Life, Politics and People between Brussels and Gazprom.

Kai-Olaf Lang

Kai-Olaf Lang

Research fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin, Germany. Head of research unit on European Integration; previously research fellow of the Federal Institute for Eastern and International Studies (Bundesinstitut für internationale und ostwissenschaftliche Studien, BIOst), Cologne, Germany. His fields of specialization include Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: transformation, political developments, foreign and security policy, bilateral relations with Germany; EU enlargement and implications; security issues in CEE. In recent years he has carried out research concerning foreign and security policies of those countries, problems regarding accession of CEE countries to EU and domestic problems of the countries; European Neighborhood Policy. He holds a diploma in public administration and a doctorate in political sciences. Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde; Member of German-Polish Kopernikus-Group; Member of Editorial Board of Przegląd Zachodni (Poznan), Advisory Board of Aspen Review Central Europe (Prague). He holds a Bene Merito award by Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski.

Ivo Samson

Ivo Samson

Graduated in history from University of Brno (1981) and in political science/security policy in Germany (The University of Giessen, 1997, PhD in 1998). Teacher in several universities (Sodortern-Stockholm, Giessen-Germany, CEU-Budapest). Author of several books and numerous studies (security policy, international terrorism). Works as analyst of international relations in the Research Center of Slovak Foreign Policy Association in Bratislava, Slovakia. 


