Experts - political philosophy

András Lanczi

Political scientist focusing upon political philosophy. Since 2002 he has been the Director of the Institute of Political Science, Corvinus University of Budapest. He is a lecturer in the history of 20th century political philosophy, political economy and democratic theory. He has been publishing for twenty years producing five books, editing three encyclopaedias, and active in Hungarian public life. He was a Fulbright Professor at the Louisiana State University, 1997-8, was awarded the annual 'Bibó-prize' in 2003. A discussion leader of the Liberty Fund. Also, he has been an advisor to the incumbent Hungarian President, László Sólyom.

Wojciech Przybylski

Wojciech Przybylski leads the largest strategic foresight program on European policies in Central Europe. He is the editor of Visegrad Insight at the Res Publica Foundation in Warsaw. Previously, he served as the editor-in-chief of Res Publica Nowa and later of EUROZINE, a pan-European network of cultural magazines. He is a guest lecturer for the Foreign Service Institute for the U.S. Government, the Central European University Democracy Institute, and the Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. He is a graduate of MISH at the University of Warsaw, a Europe’s Future Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, and a member of the advisory board for LSE IDEAS Ratiu Forum, the European Forum for New Ideas, and the Schmidt Futures International Strategy Forum. He has published works including "Understanding Central Europe" (Routledge 2017) and "On the Edge. Poland" (Culturescapes 2019). Twitter: @wprzybylski


