VSS Experts

Alexander Vondra

Alexander Vondra

Born in Prague. In 1984 graduated from School of Natural Sciences in Charles University and in 1985 earned the degree of Doctor of National Sciences from the same school. In 1980’s participated in the activities of Czechoslovakia’s democratic opposition. In retaliation for his organization of demonstrations in January 1989 and for the petition A New Sentences”, he served a two-months sentence in prison. In November 1989 Co-founder and leading member of the Civic Forum movement. 1990-1992: Foreign Policy advisor to President Vaclav Havel. Former First Deputy Minster of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Former Ambassador to the United States. Awarded National Endowment for Democracy’s Democracy Service Medal. The Czech Deputy Foreign Minister for Security. Governmental Commissioner of the Czech Republic for NATO Summit. 

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