VSS Experts

Kryštof Kruliš

Kryštof Kruliš

He pursues his PhD in International Relations and European Studies at the Institute of International Relations and the Metropolitan University Prague. He also reads for PhD at the department of the European Law of the Law School at the Charles University in Prague, where he graduated summa cum laude his master degree in Law and legal science in 2005. He studied in Sweden at Jönköping International Business School under the Socrates-Erasmus programme. In 2011, he graduated with distinction his second master programme in Anglophone studies at the Metropolitan University Prague. From 2005 to 2009 he worked as an associate in an international law firm where he provided legal advisory within the areas of Czech law and law of the EU to leading Czech and foreign clients from both private and public sectors. In his legal practice, since 2009, he has focused on the EU law and international public law issues. He has been cooperating with AMO since 2014.

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