This year, participants were given the task of defining the problems/challenges related to human rights in the future (in the perspective of the next 20 years). In addition to defining the most relevant problems, participants had to come up with solutions. The presentations were given at the official closing of this year's project. One group, inspired by the ongoing exhibition by Visegrad artisits "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" at Instytut Kultury Willa Decjusza, decided to title their presentation "The Four Horsemen of Future Human Rights Apocalypse" - yes, we know, that doesn't sound very optimistic!
In their presentation, as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, participants defined four challenges:
- Climate Change (Challenge: Increased inequality in natural resource access and distribution)
- World (Dis)Order (Challenge: Disorganisation or reorganisation of the world order?)
- Artificial Intelligence (Challenge: What about chips in the brain?)
- Space (Challenge: Militarization of space and space as a terrain for power competition)
Within the framework of each challenge, participants defined human rights in peril, while trying to provide possible solutions to these problems, so that the future of human rights does not meet the Apocalypse.
The conclusion that the group tried to emphasize in their presentation were:
- Be responsible NOW
- Educate yourself and others