VSS Experts

Manuel Loff

Manuel Loff

Manuel Loff (Oporto, Portugal, 1965), PhD in History and Civilisation at the European University Institute (Florence). Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of History and Political and International Studies, University of Porto (Portugal), coordinator at the Instituto de História Contemporânea of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa of a research thematic line on "Connected Histories: State-Building, Social Movements and Political Economy". Associate researcher at the Centre d'Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democracies (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona). Taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1997-98), visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2013). Lectured in several European, Latin-American and African universities and has been a referee and/or evaluator for several international journals and academic/scientific institutions. He presently researches on democratic and authoritarian transitions, transitional justice and social forms of (re)construction of collective memory and the policies of memory developed by the State and political and other collective actors. He is a regular columnist in Lisbon's daily newspaper Público, and a historical and political analyst at the Portuguese public television Rádio e Televisao de Portugal.

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