VSS Experts

Joanna Skoczek

Current director of Public and Cultural Diplomacy Department in Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Between 2008-2012 director of the EU Presidency Coordination Department, MFA. Since 2005, she had been working in the Office of the Committee for European Integration, among others, dealing with decision making process in the UE as a deputy director of the Integration Policy Department. Previously (2002–2005), she was responsible for coordination of the Ministry of Justice participation in the EU legislative process in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, monitoring the tasks resulting from the membership, coordinating relations with the Parliament as to the European matters. She graduated from Faculty of Law (Jagiellonian University) and National School of Public Administration in Warsaw. She has been always active in field of youth education and initiatives, e.g. she is co-founder of Cracow Youth City Council.

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