
Developing Independent Media Skills in Eurasia - Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity Foundation

The "Independent media " program of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity Foundation is addressed to journalists and editors from newspapers and magazines, radio and television stations, internet portals and information agencies in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. The program is financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (USA).

The program will consist of three 2-week study visits for about 20 persons from the aforementioned countries. During the visits, participants will have an opportunity to visit the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, radio and TV stations, internet portals and information agencies. They will acquaint themselves with the work and experiences of their Polish colleagues. The study visits will be tailored to the professions and specializations of the guests. Also planned are seminars and lectures on such subjects as: the transformation of the Polish media after 1989, laws regulating public and private media, investigative journalism, media ethics, journalists' organizations, advertising and the media, the problem of competition in the media, political lobbying and independence of the media. The first study visit is planned at the end of  September 2013. Meetings and lectures will be translated into Russian.

Application forms are available in the office and on the Foundation's website.

Additional information about the program may be obtained in the Foundation's office.

The Polish - Czech - Slovak Solidarity Foundation
5, Szpitalna Str., suite 5, 00-031 Warsaw, Poland
tel. (+48-22) 828 9128 ext. 141, 826 35 98, fax (+48-22) 828 9129


