
From ideas to business – Economic panorama of Central-Eastern Europe

From ideas to business – Economic panorama of Central-Eastern Europe

Heading towards the end of the first week of Visegrad Summer School, Thursday was for discussion of the economic perspective of Central Eastern Europe – focusing this time on ethical banking and the economic and social potential of Central and Eastern Europe.

Debating the future of Europe?

Debating the future of Europe?

What could be more appropriate subject to a debate in Visegrad Summer School one and a half months after the European Parliament elections than drawing a lesson from its outcome? Find out how Visegradians perceive what happened to Europe in May.

Who is responsible for refugees? The second day of Visegrad Summer School

The second day of Visegrad Summer School found its participants looking further than Visegrad. Students were discussing global issues strongly interconnected with each other: international security policy and responsibility for refugees.

Inauguration of VSS

The 13th Visegrad Summer School was officially opened in Villa Decius on Monday, hosting 45 participants from 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Start of the Visegrad adventure

The Visegrad Summer School is a two-week training series for young people from the Visegrad Group and Eastern Europe countries, carried out annually in Kraków since 2002. The initiator and organiser of the event is the Villa Decius Association.



