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International Youth Meeting in Wapienne – photo...

Photo: Michał Łepecki

The International Youth Meeting is under way in Wapienne in Małopolska, organized on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WWI. The event is organized by the Jagiellonian University, the Pedagogical University, the Office of the Małopolska Province, the Villa Decius Association and the communes from Gorlice poviat.

International Youth Meeting: Europe of Youth –...

Photo: Michał Łepecki

The International Youth Meeting in Wapienne (Małopolska), co-organized by the Villa Decius Association, starts on the one-hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of WWI. The meeting, organized under the slogan “Europe of Youth – Europe of Peace”, is going to be devoted to the historical events and primarily to the discussion on the multinational and multicultural future of Europe.

The world that you live in was designed by the...

Lecture of prof. Norman Davies. Photo: Paweł Mazur

The day when Norman Davies, outstanding British-Polish historian unexpectedly agrees in the morning on giving a lecture for the students of Visegrad Summer School is called Thursday. Davies talked about the legacy of postwar Europe, gave his interpretation on the Ukrainian crisis and shared his thoughts on identity.

Are you sure that parallel narratives never meet?

The human face of Central and Eastern Europe shows itself through sharing cultural identity by telling common stories which we all understand. Can it strengthen the ties connecting us?

Europeanization versus self-colonization

Have you ever thought about Central-Eastern Europe as a colony of the West? Do you consider homo sovieticus an endangered species? Tuesday’s report from Visegrad Summer School shows how our answers to these questions were.



